Today at preschool

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Today at preschool we did lots of things related to ice. We had a role play of an eskimos camp at the North Pole . We fished for fish and counted the scales that each one had, We also searched for sticks to build a fire and found that each stick had a letter on so we had to think of something to do with the North Pole that began with that letter before we could build our fire..

In the main room we had some ice cubes and we tried to melt them . We used warm and cold water,sugar and salt. Some melted very fast but the cube covered with sugar took so long to melt that maybe if we covered the North Pole with sugar we could stop the Poles warming up and save the animals.
Some of us also worked hard mod-roc-ing our snowman but Jack thiks he needs some feet!


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