Today at preschool

Friday, October 10, 2008

Preparing for winter

We finished the garden yesterday but today at preschool there was still an important job that needed doing .
The children took turns brushing out the seeds from our sunflower heads. There are thousands of them and we decided we will use them in winter to make some bird feeders.
We were all suprised at the lovely honeycombed pattern that was left when we had picked out the seeds. A few children decided to print with these and some lovely delicate patterns were made.
It was a lovely warm morning so while all this was going on some children were playing a number game with Lindsey and our giant dice. Others were very busy at our grit tray with all the diggers.
After our snack we danced. Firstly we did our sideways galloping country dance and then we did our 'music box ' dance.
It was lovely to have Anthony with us this morning and we all had a good time. .


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