Today at preschool

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Penguin Small visits a jungle island.

-Today in preschool we were very busy. In the little room Linda was on a jungle island . The preschoolers needed to make camp on the island and they first had to clear the camp site of frightening animals.They matched the animals with into pairs and found letters to go with them as well. They did lots different types of jumping to get across the river safely and then they carried water back to the camp balancing it on their heads. These two preschoolers are ordering supplies from the boat.
While all this is going on some preschoolers were painting each others feet in the main hall.
Later for our group activity we acted being on boats in a storm . The boats sank and we all swam to a jungle island. We collected coconuts and bananas to eat then we all wrote messages asking ffor help. We sent them across the sea in a bottle and a Navy man found them . We were all rescued in his helicopter just in time to be back before the Mums arrived.


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