Today at preschool

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Today at preschool we were reminded that packaging provides so much more fun than the contents.
We were given a box which the children used imaginatively to become all sorts of things.
Finally, as it was beginning to give a little; they decided to paint it .They went running for the paint and the fun was extended further.
It is now a mural adorning the fence.We think it may rain tonight so are eager to see how the rain changes the painting.
Two children are here showing you just how much our potatoes are growing. They look at these each day and find it amazing just how fast they grow. Almost out of the top now.
Our interest table this week asks the children to bring something in that comes from a distant country. The children are really interested in this and we have had some very interesting items in. The children have been learning to recognise the different shapes of the different countries and we are lucky enough to have come by this talking globe just in time for this week. This boy is soaking up the information the globe was giving him today.
I think he was learning about jelly fish when this picture was taken.


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