Today at preschool

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rising Fives---Chinese New Year

Last week we learnt all about the fun that the Chinese have on their New Year. We ate noodles with chop sticks and we did some Chinese writing on plates. These plates will make our dragon and our pig look bright for this week when the Mums come in to watch our dance.

New Term ----New Theme---- All about me!

This term we are learning all about our bodies ---how they work and what is inside them.We started by drawing round each others bodies and then with the help of a mirror we paintd on our faces.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Penguin Island

For Rising Fives on Friday we went to the zoo. We had been invited to go onto the penguin island and to chat to the keeper Claire. She showed us all the fish the penguins would eat on that day which seemed rather a lot.After this we looked at other animals which were in danger and we had some good fun even though it sleeted all the time!

The Tate in Upton end of term lunch

We have worked all half term to paint some lovely pictures for you Mums. Each picture has been painted entirely by each preschool artist . We hope you enjoyed the display and that you felt very proud. Here is some of the work which was on display.

The term comes to an end

Last week was the final week of this half term and we had such a lot on that preschool seemed to be very busy. On Wednesday we prepared for our Mums to come to lunch the next day by painting some final pictures and getting their lunch ready. In this picture two of us had been busy making bread rolls for the Mums to have with their soup.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Art Gallery

Today at preschool we painted some spring daffs ready for the art gallery on Thursday.

Animals in Danger

On Friday Rising Fives talked about all the animals that are in danger and we talked about how we could help them. Ryan knew all about recycling our rubbish and Olivia knew all about why the animals were having problems. We made a bird feeder and here is a picture of the worms we put in them. All the ingredients for our feeders were on a trolley near were we were sitting. With cheese ,bread and currants being some of the ingredients one boy sitting nearby could be forgiven for thinking it was our snack. He leant over to Linda and said he wasn't going to eat the worms. I wonder why not -- he can't have watched I'm a celeb ----get me out of here.!,