Today at preschool

Monday, October 20, 2008

Just Another Monday.

At Pre-school today it was blusteryagain . The falling leaves were swirling around us and so it seemed time to get out the bubbles again. This little girl spent all of free play swirling around and making big bubbles as she went. She enjoyed so much watching her bubbles go dancing off in the breeze.
Inside on our messy table today we had out the cars and some paint. The children drove their cars around the paper making very differnt patterns and pictures.

Just another Friday

On Friday at Pre-school the children had out the large building bricks. They decided to build the roadway for their bikes and then all enjoyed using it.
Inside other children were busy doing some junk modelling.and looking very pleased with themselves.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One of my Socks is a bag for a Fox!

Today at preschool we returned to our theme of The Smartest Giant In Town. We have got to where he meets the fox who has a wet sleeping bag so he gives him a sock so that he can be snug while he is camping. So today we made and cooked some foxes in socks. (Or perhaps they were sausage rolls). The children made some delicious pastry so if your little one hasn't done it yet you have a treat to look forward to!.
While this was going on the children set up camp in the hall and had some lovely imaginary play.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Preparing for winter

We finished the garden yesterday but today at preschool there was still an important job that needed doing .
The children took turns brushing out the seeds from our sunflower heads. There are thousands of them and we decided we will use them in winter to make some bird feeders.
We were all suprised at the lovely honeycombed pattern that was left when we had picked out the seeds. A few children decided to print with these and some lovely delicate patterns were made.
It was a lovely warm morning so while all this was going on some children were playing a number game with Lindsey and our giant dice. Others were very busy at our grit tray with all the diggers.
After our snack we danced. Firstly we did our sideways galloping country dance and then we did our 'music box ' dance.
It was lovely to have Anthony with us this morning and we all had a good time. .

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Another morning gardening

Today at preschool we still had lots more to do in the garden. A group of children emptied out all the old plants from our tub . They then planted some bulbs which will give us some lovely flowers in spring.
The giant sunflowers were all measured against our lovely new trowels which our children last year bought for us . Do pop in to preshool next week to see how high they were.
We then chopped off the heads of the sunflowers and took them inside to dry. The stems were quite tough but these strong boys got through them easily.
Lastly we had some fun in the garden. We had lots of races and got very tired. Anna seesmed to do a lot of winning tho we were not too sure that she touched the far end.
A lovely day and such interested good children.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


It was lovely weather Today at Preschool so we decide to do some gardening.We dug all the flowers and vegetables out of the border including the giant sunflowers

We then needed some nice fresh soil to make the soil nice so we went round to the scouts compost heap There were lots of worms in the compost so we took some inside to look at under the computer microscope.We all worked hard and got quite warm.Tomorrow we still need to measure the sunflowers and plant the winter flowers so it will be another dirty day.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

We had a visitor

This afternoon at preschool we had a very special visitor. This very smart young lady used to come to preschool just last year, You might not believe me as she looks so grown up and so smart . We were so pleased to see her and we all hope she comes again .

Sunday, October 05, 2008

George the Giant

So Georges giant leg is now in situ. Funnily it is less frightening now it is in place and somehow seems friendly!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

A few interesting pictures

Today at preschool was rather rainy . However despite this we try to get the children out for some fresh air if it is at all possible .

Today the children found the lid of the water tray was full of rain water. They used some plastic dishes to see if they would float in just an inch of water. One of the children went to get some people from the people drawer and these boys that you see here spent ages playing in this inch of rain water. It occupied them so much more than the water tray itself would and it was not easy to get them in for snack time.

The next picture is of -----no not a chocolate fountain ---but rather a sand fountain, From the lovely grin on this lads face I think you can guess what he would like it to be.

The younger group painted George's giant leg pink this week . Do look out for a picture of it in place. I am sure it will look rather stunning.

Last of all I wanted you to take note of a certain little girl in the puppet theatre. You can't really see her face due to a puppet princess that is in the way however it may be worth making a mental note of her. I am sure you will see her face again if only when she recieves her first Oscar.!