Today at preschool

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Today at preschool was all about our giant George. In these pictures you will see some children making a giant leg. Firstly they covered a giant tube with paper then .those that enjoyed getting messy. wet pieces of mod roc which they smoothed onto his leg. It is quite an amazing leg which will eventually end up by the board once it has been painted, The children thoroughly enjoyed this messy activity.
You will also see a young lady enjoying mixing paint for one of the houses from the next picture, These houses will become the village that the giant walks through on his journey home.
The final picture is of a young lady making a giant footprint.
Please do come in and look at their work they are very proud of it,

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Beans and Carrots

Today at preschool we decided to pick our beans and dig up our carrotsthat were both planted before the summer holiday..
There was much delight when the children found the perfect carrots below the ground.
As you can see they made a delicious and healthy snack.

The Smartest Giant i Town.

Today at preschool we began to work towards our theme.
These two children have been sticking patches over George's holes in his gowns. They knew there shapes well and matched perfectly.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What--no rain!

On mornings like Friday morning I wonder why we bother putting out any activities in the preschool room. As you can see from these photos all sixteen children spent nearly all morning outside. Hope you enjoy these pictures.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The New Year

So we have begun a new school year and this week we have been finding out how our little ones have grown to big ones over the summer and we have also been settling in about fifteen new children.

Today we had a return to some decent weather and so the chance to take some photos for you. .

It was a very windy day , our sunflowers were blowing wildly around so we decided to see just how strong the wind was. We blew bubbles and the wind took them all the way to the railway bridge before they dissappeared out of sight. We also took out some scarves which blew around wildy and luckily nobody accidently let go of them.

Those that were not so excited about the wind found lots of other things to do. You will see a new little girl encrossed in a world of dinosaurs on a mat and you will also see a boy having a lovely messy time covering balls in paint then rolling them around on his paper.

So we think the term has begun well and we are looking forward to some special times with our borrowed children.