Today at preschool

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

------we set our butterflies free

Two of our caterpillars managed---against the odds to become butterflies. They changed on Friday so we decided they needed to be released this week.
One found its way out immediately and flew off high to freedom over the golf course. The other one seemed to have damp wings so we helped it out and left it on a flower in our vegetable plot.It was beginning to open its wings when we left it.Good luck little butterflys.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

-------released our butterflys

Snail Gardens

Rising Rives used the things they collected in the forest to ake a minature snail garden . They all painted their snails so very carefully then each child had a different idea of how to design their garden and what they wanted in it.A lot of thought went into this piece of work.

Snail Gardens

Rising Rives used the things they collected in the forest to ake a minature snail garden . They all painted their snails so very carefully then each child had a different idea of how to design their garden and what they wanted in it.A lot of thought went into this piece of work.

Monday, July 06, 2009

The Potato Harvest

Towards the end of last week we decided to tip the potatoes out of the barrel.We found lots o really lovely potatoes .The children washed them, Sue cooked them and we all enjoyed buttered potatoes for our snack. There was even enough potatoes left to give one to each of the other children who were not in that day.

The Potato Harvest

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Forest Trips

We went to the forest on two different occasions. We went by train, enjoyed a picnic, searched for bugs, collected items for our minature snail garden,playeda game,built a fire, had a pow wow and best of all ate an ice cream--------all in the space of two hours.m We all had fun and some got very tired!!!!

More snail racing

The Monday Rising Fives also raced snails.The snails by now were eager to escape!

A week last Friday the children raced snails! Once the fastest snails completed the race the children let them climb on a yummy Hosta leaf so they could studyt them. They then made some lovely clay snails ready for a snail garden to be completed soon.