Today at preschool

Monday, October 25, 2010

The end of the first half term.

The Friday afternoon group finished the term by using those sunflower seeds that they had dug out and picked out of the flowers last week.
They made some bird feeders to help look after the birds now that it is getting colder.

So we come to the last morning of a very busy half term and we decided to end it with a walk to Morrisons . While we were there we bought a great big Pumpkin then we took it back to preschool and carved it out. Everyone was very pleased with their work especially when we .turned out the lights and lit the candle. Happy Halloween everyone.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Miners Rescue

Today at Rising Fives we had a very small group as we had two children poorly and two children on holiday.
We had a special time however with those that did come in and they all really participated in everything with much enthusiasm.
We started the afternoon by measuring the gigantic sunflowers that the morning group had dug out. Would you believe that they were twelve bricks long!
The rest of the afternoon was all about rescuing miners.
The children put the miner playpeople in the mine under the table. There was an explosion and the miners found that there was no way out. We drilled a hole through the ground in the form of a thin tube and the children found some interesting food to feed to the miners.
After that we got to the business of rescuing the miners. The children took away the thin tube and put a fatter one with a capsule in the hole instead. The miners were loaded into the capsule one at a time and they took turns to be the rescuer.
We finished the afternoon by acting out a rescue instead of PE and learning a miners song.

Today at preschoolwe all had fun gardening .We dug up our gigantic sunflowers and laid them on the garden. We also dug out all the plants and found some big juicy worms in the process.
All the old plants went to the compost heap and then we planted some bulbs.
We have such lovely pictures of today and it was so hard to choose five for you. The others should make it to your childs profile so look out for them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Experimenting on Thursday 13th Oct

Today at pre school the children were both mathematicians and scientists as the filled cardboard tubes with 'how many balls' and tested how to angle the suspended tube to shoot the balls out at speed.
They concentrated so hard on this activity.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today at preschool it was such a lovely morning that we decided to go a long walk along the path that leads to the canal. We took a picnic snack with us and the children thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of the walk. We saw some men building a fence and we watched them dig a hole and one man showed us his big drill.
Some of the children---mentioning no names showered me with Autumn leaves until I almost looked like a tree!
The last picture is left from yesterday and shows a young chappy exploring the insects hidding amongst the Autumn leaves.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today at preschool the little bricks went on the mat and lots of children were very busy building.
This young amn made a boat with lots of interesting parts. I think you can spot the slides that allow the passangers to slide down into the sea for a swim. The little girl you can see has made a house for a whole family of people.
We also dug up the last of the carrots which we ate for snack with our bread sticks.They were yummy! The one you can see was a fine specimen.

WQednesday 6th Oct

Last Wednesday at pre school we had a busy young lady. She sequenced our wooden fruit inyo two and then she went into the garden and drew a rainbow on the paving .
Meanwhile inside the children were busy making the snack for our break. They made jam sandwices and cheese sandwiches . The children all enjoyed their own handiwork with lots of mmmmmmm's and more mmmmm's as they munched them up. I have to say they did look good if a little thick on the butter!
Then we had a birthday and Oh my word ---what an incredible set of lungs on this boy. He blew out allhis candles and how [roud he looks!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Opposite Week

This week at preschool we have been talking about 'opposites', Our small group activities have been about sorting out opposites and the children have been bringing in two opposite items. We have managed to make a big list of all the opposites we could think of. This young man in the second picture got an opposite we had not thought of. He brought in a smiley face and a sad face .
The last picture is of another small group working on opposites. They were asked to do the opposite of what I asked them to do. Well!!!! what good children ---they found it so hard. They knew what the opposite was but could I get them not to do what I said . Even with a member of staff helping them they couldn't be persuaded to be what I guess they saw as 'naughty'. Such well trained children!!!!

Monday, October 04, 2010

After the rain !

At preschool today we felt very fortunate. After the rain yesterday who would have thought we could get into the garden today but we did .
A little rabbit also thought the day was too good to miss and was happily munching the grass on the garden . These couple of children managed to creep quite close with Heather before he ran back into the hedge.
In our preschool garden the children built a yellow brick (and blue and red)road.The children did some good balancing on their roadway.
Ouur last picture is of a groupof to Chester on their horse .

Friday, October 01, 2010

Today at Rising Fives we started the afternoon by having a number activity. We added and took away the beads on our Asco frame .We started slow and got faster and faster and everyone managed to keep up really well.
After that we made a reflective armband to wear on these dark nights .
Finally we spent our PE time acting out the story of the three little pigs.Everyone had a part and everyone did really well saying their own words were possible.I am sure that you agree it is a rather cute pink pig who has built a straw house while the pig in the brick hose looks very sensible. Watch out little pigs tho' because the wolf is high on his hill and is watching everything you are doing.