Today at preschool

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yesterday at preschool we went out collecting leaves to laminate and hang fromthe ceiling. We now have a forest of leaves above our mat.
Today we were talking about these leaves and how they turn into soil if they stay out in the rain all winter. One child mentioned that they became food for the worms .We decided to go looking for worms and some children dug in our soil square eventually finding three worms. Other children tried playing music to see if any would come to the surface..
I have also added a picture of our pet spider.This spider has hung under the climbing frame for 2 weeks now . The children seem happy to share their climbing frame with him whilst he bravely seems to ignore them all

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our Rising Fives group has been learning all about road safety.
This week they made some traffic lights in connection with this.
They were really good at cutting around a circle and when we talked about the letter S for 'stop' there were lots of ideas about things that begin with S.
This group are going to be a super group.!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We celebrated Eid in preschool today. The children found a new moon which had appeared in preschool which began our celebration. They made a picture of a child with new clothes, had their hands painted , made jewelry and had some special food all to celebrate and give fi
At the same time play continued with this group of boys thoroughly enjoying the grit and the diggers.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The second week of term saw us taking our preschool session out to visit one of our local schools.We spent the morning in their fantastic grounds
There was a woodland walk to enjoy, a stage to perform on , a bear hunt to go on, a pirate ship to sail in and a mural to busy ourselves painting. Children and parents all had fun. Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

September is well under way and a new group of children are
all settling nicely.
The weather has been rather pleasant and the children have been enjoying our outside space.
Our theme is simply 'trees' and we have been working on getting our board looking like the forest. The children have painted their feet to create some interesting bark effects on the big trees.