Today at preschool

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Having finished a couple of weeks on music we began to talk about Christmasthis week. We have already had a couple of practices of the play and we are all very excited about it. On Wednesday we talked about the manger in the stable at mat time and these two boys filled our manger with hay ready for our play.
I have also added a picture of an amazing construction and of its creator. I don't remember anyone being as creative with our big builder. Well Done!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Operation Christmas Child Boxes on their way

On Thursday Wendy came to collect the incredible amount of lovely boxes that all of you have put together.
Wendy talked to the children about what would happen to the boxes next and where they were going. The children listened very carefully especially when Wendy was telling them that the box each child gets would be their only present this Christmas and would probably be the only toys each child has.
Wendy has been very ill so the children all helped to carry their boxes out to her car.There were so many that each child had one and the staff were piled high.
Thankyou all so much for your generousity it has been and will be much appreciated.
I think the children learnt from this collection that there is as much pleasure in giving as receiving----well nearly!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catch Up

The children have been busy since half term even if I have neglected to update the blog.We have been thinking about music in the last week or so . The second picture shows a little boy creating a caterpillar tune with a member of staff.
Other pictures show a group of boys who made a boat with the big bricks then tried to sink it by jumping up and down on it. The last picture ---sorry it got repeated---shows just how clever this years children are getting with their art. A lovely picture.!
We have had a couple of exciting Rising Fives sessions too and I will soon be showing you what we get up to!