Today at preschool

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Easter hats and Easter nests

This week our messy passageway has been really messy . Practically every little bit of craft material has been out whilst the children create their Easter bonnets. They thought of so many different things to do with them . Some are precise and patterned while others are wild and wacky. Today we also made some chocolate nests and the smell of chocolate was driving us all mad! If our Grandad who gave us these super hats reads this ----thankyou so much. The children have had so much fun creating their individual hats.

New from Old

On Wednesday we decided to see if we could recycle some of our old paper. We tore it to shreds then put it in a blender . We tipped out the pulp then put it in a frame. We are still drying it at the moment but we hope to have some lovely green paper.

Stormy Weather and vegetable Stew

We were warned that Monday would be stormy and it was certainly windy.

We went out to see just how windy it was and to see which way the wind was blowing . The bubbles blew wildly around showing us that the wind was blowing to the south .Soon it began to rain ,out came the umbrellas , but the weather eventually got too bad for us.
Later that day the younger Rising Fives made some vegetable stew to make us feel warm on such a nasty day. The children chopped and chopped and chopped.Sorry the pictures ended up the wrong way round!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Recycling Role Play

You will be glad to see that I now have the use of a camera whilst mine is sent away for repair.
Today at preschool we had a recycling role play in the hall.
The first picture shows a recycler going around a road of houses in his recycling vehicle Each house owner helped the recycler to put all their rubbish into the correct collecting box and it was then taken to the recycling plant. She was closely followed by the bin man in his bin vehicle (Picture 2). He collected the rubbish that was left and took it to the land fill site in picture three.
It was good fun and the children really entered into it. Each one had a turn at being a bin man or a recycler as this was the most interesting activity of course.!
At the end of the morning we all got around the mountain of rubbish we have all collected and all made an intsrument. Our last picture shows some of the children playing their instuments to 'Come and Join Our Orchestra .