Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Today at preschool it was planting day.
Everyone took part and the morning was very bust. There was planting, watering , pushing in canes, catching ladybirde, and giving each other rides.all going on
We planted runner beans, peas, toatoes,sweet corn, and sun flowers whilst we sowed carrots,beetroot,lettuce, and squash.
If it is dry on Friday at the picnic please do look at all the labels.
We finish with a photo of some very tired children
squash etc
We had soe tired children by the ebd of the session.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
On Friday at Rising Fives we were very busy. We learnt for the first time what the 'add' sign and the 'equals' sign look like. All the children had a go at forming a sum on our Asco frames.
Apart from that we were still talking and learning about dinosaurs. We thought about what the worldwould have looked like .
After looking at lots of pictures of volcanos the children made their own and then we went into the hall to do a volcano experient.
Even PE was all about volcanos as we danced to some very dramatic music!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today at preschool we had a visitor called Yamini who came to do some special craft with the children.
She brought with her some Okra and some bitter gourds
The children printed some lovely flowers and patterns with them and were very proud of their work.
Yamini is a very gentle lady and even though it is only her second visit the children have become very fond of her.
Our garden gang theme continues and our talk about the members of the Garden Gang that come from across the seas continues to encourage the children to be interested in the world around us. I have again included a picture of some children learning about the world.
The talk of things travelling across the seas to get to us made the boys ask for the aeroplanes out today and included is a picture of them at play.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Today at preschool we were reminded that packaging provides so much more fun than the contents.
We were given a box which the children used imaginatively to become all sorts of things.
Finally, as it was beginning to give a little; they decided to paint it .They went running for the paint and the fun was extended further.
It is now a mural adorning the fence.We think it may rain tonight so are eager to see how the rain changes the painting.
Two children are here showing you just how much our potatoes are growing. They look at these each day and find it amazing just how fast they grow. Almost out of the top now.
Our interest table this week asks the children to bring something in that comes from a distant country. The children are really interested in this and we have had some very interesting items in. The children have been learning to recognise the different shapes of the different countries and we are lucky enough to have come by this talking globe just in time for this week. This boy is soaking up the information the globe was giving him today.
I think he was learning about jelly fish when this picture was taken.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today at preschool everyone went outside to prepare the two garden areas for planting. There was digging and hoeing and raking all going on. The children soon got the hang of which roots needed to be removed and whilst they were doing this lots of lovely worms were found. The children in the inner garden worked very hard removing all the winter flowers and although it looks bare now they are both ready for planting up next week.
We were all so enjoying ourselves that we completely forgot to get a photo so sorry and we will try to reoeber when we plant up the garden.
This afternoon I was only in for about an hour before having an afternoon off. I was so pleased that a hair dresser decided to give me a make over so I would look my best .
I think every hair band in the drawer was added to my head and there was much chuckling as they kept falling off. Don't you agree that she performed a miracle on me.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Trevor and Lily
Today I would like to introduce you to two new members of preschool. There names are Trevor and Lily (voted for by the children), The children are brimming with pride over their creations. and I think every child in that day did some stuffing of clothes.They are now in the new border we are planting up so if you havn't seen them please wonder around the back and take a look.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Filling the Potato Barrell
It was good to be out all morning today and everyone was excited that the first seed has popped out of the soil. Nathan's sunflower won the race and he was pleased to get a sticker.
We also decided to add some soil to our potato barrel ( picture above) The plan is to keep on adding soil until it is full then hope for lots of potatos.The children also asked to have the pulley system up today .This is always a good activity for co-ordination and upper arm strengh.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Tuesday afternoon's younger group
We had the puppet theatre out today and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. They acted out the stories of the three bears , sleeping beauty and five little ducks.
The children said all the parts of the story when it was their turn and manipulated the puppets very effectively.
The other picture is of a new little girl who joined us just two weeks ago. As you can see she is very happily cleaning preschool. She enjoys this so much that we guess mummys house must be spotless!. This little starter is also an excellent singer and knows all our songs. Could this be a reflection on a certain Grandma we wonder ?
Monday, May 04, 2009
Rising Fives
At Rising Fives we are learning all about dinosaurs.
We talked about how big they were this week and and we talked about the different types of dinosaur. The children then chose the dinosaur they wanted to paint . They spent a long time mixing their colours until they were just so and then they painted their chosen dinosaur. All were excellent and these are just an example.
The Garden Gang
This term the theme is The Garden Gang.
We will , of course , are doing lots of planting. Some we will plant to take home but we are also planting lots of different fruit and veg to put in out new raised bed in the main garden.
In one picture you will see the children using the trolley we went to fetch the soil with. I a afraid the didn't wait until all the soil was gone before juping init. Soe dirty clothes went hoe that day..
The children are already well into the fruit and vegetable people from the Garden Gang and have begun to talk about their own stories to go in the book we are making.
You will see one of the pages in the picture and you will also see a couple of pictures of a girl who decided the two pages of the book that we have already done needed to be linked together. She decided that link should be by letter so she created Tim Potato the Postman. She drew,cut and decorated him and added him to the page where he takes a letter to tThe he garden gang to invite them to go sking.
do Garden Gang sht thrilled by